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Frequently Asked Questions

Q : How can I get a quote?

A : You can get an estimate if you apply during the quotation inquiry period before the commission is opened. Also, if you subscribe to Patreon high-class jelly tier, you can get a quote beyond the quotation period. However, the estimate received in advance is not fixed and can be changed.

Q : When will the commission be held?

A : It means that there is no fixed schedule if there is no notice on the website in advance.

Q : How do I apply for a commission?

A : You can apply during the commission application period, and you can't apply for any other than that. We will open a short period of time after receiving applications through Google form, so please read the Twitter and Instagram notices carefully.

Q : How long is the production period?

A  : It takes a month to two months from the start of the work.

Therefore, the date you receive after the order depends on the order of work.

Q  : What is the contact information for the inquiry?

A  : Currently, the contact information does not exist, and DM is only used to contact the commission applicants.

Q  : Can you ship it overseas?

A  : Delivery is possible except for non-delivery areas.


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